Friday, May 31, 2019


The following officers are retiring on 31/05/2019.

(1) Shri. L. Gopal
(2) Shri. M Veeraputhiran
(3) Shri. John Baptist
(4) Shri. K. Ayyakannu.

TNIPASP Association wishing you all officers for very happy and good health of retirement life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Highlights of Implementation on GDS Pay committee recommendations



  • Date of effect of new scale & allowances : 01-07-2018
  • Arrears from 01-01-2016 to 30-06-2018 shall be calculated and drawn by a multification factor of 2.57
  • Annual increase on TRCA is @ 3%


  • Office Maintenance Allowance (Composite Allowance)
  • Accommodation with prescribed standards: @ Rs.500/- per month
  • Non-standard/rent-free accommodation : @ Rs.250/- per month
Fixed stationery Charge (FSC) : 

  • for BPMs it is subsumed in composite allowance.
  • for ABPMs : @ Rs.25 per month
Cycle Maintenance Allowance ( CMA) : @Rs.180/- per month.
    Boat Allowance : 
    • @Rs.115/- per month
    Cash Conveyance Allowance:

    • Below 1 lakh : @ Rs.30/- + actual conveyance charges.
    • Above 1 lakh : @ Rs.50/- + actual conveyance Charges.
    Combined Duty Allowance (CDA):

    • BPM with Delivery or Mail Conveyance : @ Rs.45/- per day -- maximum Rs.1170/- per month.
    • BPM with Delivery & Mail Conveyance : @ Rs.90/- per day -- maximum Rs.2340/- per month.
    • ABPM for BPM work : @75/- per day -- maximum Rs.1950/- per month.
    • ABPM work additional work of another ABPM : Rs.45/- per day -- maximum Rs.1170/- per month.
    Risk and Hardship Allowance:

    • @ Rs.500/- per month (as per 7th CPC)
    Some orders on drawal of arrears, fixation of new TRCA and applicable allowances are issued today.
    On all remaining other recommendations, orders will be issued subsequently..

    Monday, February 26, 2018

    PSS Group B REsuls -2012-

    Click here for PS Group B Results - 2012

    Congratulations to
    Shri A Gopalan
    Shri L Gopal
    Shri.S Periasamy.


    Thursday, January 4, 2018

    Symantec Antivirus Download through link - Official version

    Link for fresh AV setup to be downloaded and run on the systems:
    Note : The download link is only available for Sify Users- India Post

    Indian Postal Circle Recruitment for 607 Asst. Accounts Officer Post 2018

    Indian Postal Circle has published Advertisement for below mentioned Posts 2018. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.

    Posts: Assistant Accounts Officer (Group-B)

    • Ahmadabad- 29 Posts 
    • Ambala- 12 Posts
    • Bhopal- 28 Posts
    • Bangalore-39
    • Chennai- 56
    • Cuttack- 17
    • Delhi- 31
    • Guhawati- 12
    • Hyderabad-39
    • Jaipur- 25
    • Jammu- 06
    • Kapurthala-16
    • Kolkata- 58
    • Lucknow- 52
    • Nagpur- 82
    • Patna- 41
    • Shillong- 05
    • Sundernagar- 10
    • Thiruvananthapuram- 26
    • Postal Directorate, New Delhi- 23
    Total No. of Posts: 607 Posts

    Educational Qualification: Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

    Age limit: Age should not exceed 56 years

    Application fee: Candidates should pay Rs. 100/-  for each set of five options at any identified Post Offices (For making the payment candidate should inform Registration Number at the PO Counter). No fee for female, SC/ ST & PH candidates.

    Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.

    How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given address below.

    Address to sent Applications: Government of India, Ministry of Communications, Department of posts, Postal Accounts Wing, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi.110001

    AdvertisementClick Here

    Last date for application:15.01.2018

    Saturday, December 23, 2017

    Darpan -Rs.1400 Crore Project for Financial Inclusion Of Rural Population

    Rural Post offices in a Modern form – Darpan (Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India)

     The Minister of Communications Shri Manoj Sinha today launched DARPAN – “Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India” Project to improve the quality of service, add value to services and achieve “financial inclusion” of un-banked rural population. He said, the goal of the IT modernization project with an outlay of Rs. 1400 Crore is to provide a low power technology solution to each Branch Postmaster (BPM) which will enable each of approximately 1.29 Lakhs Branch Post Offices (BOs) to improve the level of services being offered to rural customers across all the states. Shri Sinha said that as on date, 43,171 Branch Post Offices have migrated under the “DARPAN”projectwith the aim of financial inclusion to rural population and it is targeted to complete the project by March, 2018.
    The Project shall increase the rural reach of the Department of Posts and enable BOs to increase traffic of all financial remittances, savings accounts, Rural Postal Life Insurance, and Cash Certificates; improve mail operations processes by allowing for automated booking and delivery of accountable article; increase revenue using retail post business; provide third party applications; and make disbursements for social security schemes such as MGNREGS.
    As part of IT modernization project, the Department of Posts (DoP) has carried out business process reengineering across various functional areas and has created To-Be processes that will enable it to achieve these objectives. As an achievement, Department of Posts has established 991 ATMs across the country, which are interoperable with other banks and the common people has directly benefited with the wide network of Department of Posts especially in rural areas. Till now, 1,12,85,217 transactions have been carried out on the DOP’s ATMs out of which 70,24,214 transactions have been done by the non-DOP customers. Department of Posts is the only Government player in this space.  
    For more than 150 years, the Department of Posts (DoP) has been the backbone of the country’s communication and has played a crucial role in the country’s socio-economic development. It touches the lives of Indian citizens in many ways: delivering mails, accepting deposits under Small Savings Schemes, providing life insurance cover under Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) and providing retail services like bill collection, sale of forms, etc. The Department of Posts also acts as an agent for Government of India in discharging other services for citizens such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) wage disbursement and old age pension payments. With 1.5 lakh Post Offices (approximately), the Department of Posts has the most widely distributed postal network in the world.
    Trends such as urbanization, increased demand for financial services, increased funding by the government for the weaker sections and the rural sector, have opened up new opportunities for the Department of Posts,which in turn has necessitated development of new processes and supporting technology. The Department of Posts is also faced with twin challenges of increasing competition and continuing advances in communication technology, especially in mobile telephony and the Internet. In order to provide the best-in-class customer service, deliver new services and improve operational efficiencies,the Department of Posts has undertaken an end to end IT modernization project to equip itself with requisite modern tools and technologies. The IT modernization project intends to achieve the following:
    1. Wider reach to the Indian populace through more customer interaction channels
    2. Better customer service
    III. Growth through new lines of business
    1. IT enablement of business processes and support functions

    Thursday, November 16, 2017

    CSI Master guide - tamil version

    Release of Master Guide for IP Examination 2017-18.

    Dedicated to Postal/RMS Employees" Better You Know Series."  Just out " Rush your orders.

    Remit Rs 1650/- + Postage 35/-. total 1685/ eMO only... English Version only. Available at the following addresses;

    R.K.Traders, Sale of Publications, P O; Aniyartholu, Via, Kattapana South 685515. Diist Idukki, Kerala. Contact Number 04962527989- 09947414885

    V.K. Balan
    Retired SSPOs
    Nellikal House, Anniyartholu PO
    Kattappana South, Idukki 685515
    04962527989 & 09947414885

    Donate Rs 200 each for Flag Day, DoPT tells govt staff

    Tribune News Service: Chandigarh, November 13

    With Armed Forces Flag Day being round the corner, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has issued an advisory to all Central ministries and departments directing that all government employees donate a minimum of Rs 200 out of their salaries for the month of November.

    The Flag Day fund, generated out of donations from citizens, is a major source of funding for welfare and rehabilitation of war widows, ex-servicemen and dependants.  

    The Department of Personnel and Training  advisory stems from an appeal from the Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare in this regard. December 7 is observed as the Armed Forces Flag Day to commemorate the sacrifices of men in uniform. 

    Last year, Rs 58.84 lakh were collected, a marginal dip over Rs 59.85 lakh collected in 2015, according to the Ministry of Defence figures. The fund has a corpus of about Rs 290 crore and out of the interest earned on this, 7.5 per cent is deposited back in the corpus and the remaining amount is used to fund welfare schemes.

    Saturday, October 28, 2017

    7th Pay Commission – Revision of rate of Training Allowance.

    Government of India
    Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
    Department of Personnel and Training
    [Training Division (IST/IIPA)]
    Block-4, Old JNU Campus
    New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-67
    Dated: October 24,2017

    Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission – Revision of rate of Training Allowance.

    Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) by the Government conveyed vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Resolution No. 11-1/2016-IC dated July 6, 2017, the President is pleased to decide that the Training Allowance in Training Academies and Institutes shall be regulated in the following manner:-

    (i) Training Allowance
    In the National/Central Training Academies and Institutes for Group’ A’ officers
    24% of Basic Pay
    In other Training Establishments
    12% of Basic Pay

    (ii) Training Allowance will be admissible only to the employees who join the training establishments for a specified period of time and are then likely to go back.

    (iii) Training Allowance will not be admissible to those employees who are directly recruited by such training establishments for imparting training.

    2.The revised rates of training allowance shall be admissible with effect from the 1st July, 2017.

    3.In so far as the employees working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence ofthe Comptroller and Auditor General.

    4.Hindi version will follow.

    (Biswajit Banerjee)
    Under Secretary to the Government of India

    Saturday, September 30, 2017

    இனிய நவராத்திரி மற்றும் விஜயதசமி நல்வாழ்துக்கள்


    Retirement in the month of September 2017- TN Circle

    Sl. No.
    Name of Officer
    P Pattabhiraman
    SP PSD Tiruchirapalli
    Tamil Nadu

    TN Circle union wishes happy healthy and peaceful retired life. All the best sir.

    Contempt Petition regarding upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006 ..... Updates

    Contempt Petition filed by our Association bearing No. C.P/180/00137/2016 before Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench in OA No.  180/00289/2013 regarding up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f. 1/1/2006 was heard on 25/9/2017. 

    After hearing the case, Hon'ble Tribunal has rejected all the three affidavits filed on behalf of the Respondent and directed the Respondent i.e Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, to file fresh affidavit within 30 days complying the Tribunal Order. 

    Copy of the order/record of proceedings of the Hon'ble Tribunal is to be received. After receipt of the same, the complete details will be placed on blog. We may hope for the best. 

    Wednesday, July 12, 2017

    CWC CHQ : At Shimla on 7th and 8th September 2017

    CWC of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts, CHQ will be held on 7th and 8th September 2017 at Grand Hotel, Shimla. 

    Accommodation will be available from 6th September 2017, 12.00 noon to 9th September 2017, 12.00 noon. Accommodation will be provided only to CHQ office bearers and Circle Secretaries. No extra person is allowed. 

    As discussed and approved in last All India Conference held at Jaipur, all Circle Secretaries are directed to donate/credit their quota to Circle Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Circle immediately in the following account.

    Name of PO : Ghumarwin SO

    Account No : 9875528329

    SOL ID : 17402101

    Name of Account Holders : R C Sharma and Sandeep Dharmani

    After credit of amount in above account, copy of counterfoil may be placed on CHQ whatsApp group. 

    Circle Secretaries are directed to provide scan copies of their Aadhar Card, PAN Card  and Office Id with one photo to Shri R. C. Sharma, Circle Secretary, HP Circle before 15.00 of 11/7/2017 on his email id : 

    Mobile No. of CS and Treasurer are as under : 

    1. Shri R. C. Sharma, Circle Secretary : 9418055018

    2. Shri Sandeep Dharmani, Treasurer : 09418476600

    Wednesday, June 28, 2017

    Contempt Petition regarding upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006 ..... Updates

    Contempt Petition filed by our Association bearing No. C.P/180/00137/2016 before Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench in OA No.  180/00289/2013 regarding up-gradation of Grade will come up for final hearing on 30/6/2017.

    Tuesday, June 6, 2017

    Resolutions of CWC of AIAIPASP, TN Circle Held at Valparai on 05.05.2017

    Resolutions of CWC of All India Association of Inspectors & Assistant Superintendent of Posts , Tamilnadu Circle, held at Hotel Mount Park , Sholayar Dam Road , Iyerpadi  , Valparai on 05/05/2017.

    1.    It is resolved to request our CPMG TN Circle, Chennai to cause filling up the vacant IP/ASP posts. Till filling up of the vacant posts, it is requested to arrange officiating arrangements to vacant IP posts from the cadre of PA and adhoc arrangements to the cadre of ASP from IP cadre in order to manage the work smoothly.

    2.    It is resolved to request our CPMG, TN Circle, Chennai to restore all the abolished/redeployed IP PG Posts of Divisions for early settlement of complaints and for improving the service quality of the offices in the Divisions.

    3.    It is resolved to request our Chief PMG, TN Circle, Chennai to ensure that all the pending incentive bills to the Sub Divisional Heads in respect of RPLI are drawn and disbursed.

    4.    The work load of IPs/ASPs has increased manifold and the traditional Inspectorial work has also increased due to various fraud related activities. The business development of the Division mainly rely upon the performance of Sub Divisional Officers. The IPs/ASPs at present are unable to submit the IRs/ Reports etc in time, due to paucity of time, though their personal time is also already spared for such activities. Hence it is resolved to requests our CPMG to kindly examine provision of clerical assistance to IPs/ASPs at Sub Divisional Offices.

    5.    It is resolved to request the Circle administration to cause supply of laptops to all the IP/ASPs working in DO/RO/CO/RMS/NSH and also to take action for replacement of the existing laptops of the Sub Divisional Heads with higher configuration to meet the needs of present days as the prescribed life time of existing laptops has already elapsed and they are due for condemnation.

    6.    It is resolved to request the Circle Administration to re-examine the time schedule fixed for the departmental enquiries and to re-fix the same in a realistic way by taking into account the real constraints faced in the Rule 10/Rule 14 inquiries.

    7.    It is resolved to request the Circle Administration to arrange for imparting practical and realistic institutional training at PTC, Mysore to all the IP/ASPs working in the entire Circle on Finacle/McCamish, CSI and RICT.

    8.    It is resolved to request the Directorate / Administration to define the actual role of IP/ASPs in the inspection/visit aspects in respect of POs, which have been migrated to CBS Platform and to supply the revised questionnaire [CHQ point].

    9.    It is resolved to take up the issue of work load assessment to CHQ for consideration of revised norms of workload, especially in the present environment of additional works being shouldered by IPs/ASPs in the changed scenario of CBS/McCamish and BD & Technology activities.
    10. It is resolved to request the Circle Administration to consider the reorganization of Sub Divisions, considering the present scenario and workload and frequent travel necessities in addition to normal visits & inspections.

    11. It is resolved to request the Circle Administration to take action for provision of good quality office accommodation as per the schedule of Accommodation with all basic amenities to the Sub Divisional Heads.

    12.  It is resolved to request the Circle administration to provide Air cooler/Air conditioner to the O/o Sub Divisional heads to beat the summer days.

    13. It is resolved to request our CPMG to kindly consider the Re-alloment of IPs/ASPs to other regions/units  and also for issue of favourable  instructions to the Regional Heads to consider the transfer requests of the IPs/ASPs with in their region, as to relieve them from the stress of living away from the family and make them to involve effectively on achievement of targets.

    14. It is resolved to request our CPMG to enhance the road mileage limits atleast to 400 km per month to Sub Divisional Heads to compensate their extensive travel costs across their Sub Division for completing various Inspectorial / Business & other activities.

    15.  It is resolved to request our CPMG to instruct all the Divisions to grant enhanced mileage for the IPs/ASPs for the incumbents who hold additional charge of other Sub Divisions.

    16.  It is resolved to request Circle administration to cause early completion of renovation work in r/o Quarters portion allotted to this Association at Subbarayan Nagar,Chennai

    17.  On introduction of CBS and provision of ATMs, it is practically not feasible to carry out the High value withdrawal verification and passbooks verification during inspections.  Hence it is resolved to request Circle administration to take up the difficulties with Directorate for dispensing the High value memo verification and Passbooks verifications during inspections.

    18.  It is resolved to request our CPMG to make arrangements for stress relief programmes like Meditation, Yoga etc for the betterment of IPs/ASPs and enhance their  involvement in the work.

    19. While thanking the Circle Administration in solving the pay fixation and drawl of allowances in respect of ASPs who are working in PS Group-B cadre on adhoc basis in Tamilnadu Circle it is resolved to request the Circle administration to settle the  following issues which are still pending to be finalized.

    a.    Shri.M.Dharmaraj, ASP who was working as Assistant Director[BD&Tech],Office of the Postmaster General, Western Region, Coimbatore on adhoc arrangement had retired on 31.8.2016 on superannuation as Assistant Director in PS Group-B cadre. But, the Pay and Pension of the above officer has been fixed as applicable to ASP cadre only. The above officer has submitted a representation to the CPMG on 1.9.2016 which is still pending to be disposed.

    b.     Shri.R.Loganathan, ASP,Chennai City Central Division was promoted to PS Group-B cadre on Ad-hoc arrangement and posted as SP, PSD,Tiruchirapalli vide Circle Office memo no. STB/20-3/2016/CCR dated 27.01.2017 and he assumed charge on 15.2.2017. Consequently, the Pay of the officer has been fixed as 73400/- under Pay matrix level-9 as applicable to PS Group B officer. But subsequently, before his retirement on 30.7.2017, the entitlement slip of the above officer has been revised by the GM Postal Accounts and Finance, Chennai and ordered for the recovery of the so called excess payment and his pensionary benefits fixed as applicable to ASP Cadre.

    In both the cases, even though the orders were issued clearly by the Circle Office for making Ad-hoc arrangement in PS Group-B cadre, the Postal Accounts of TN Circle has taken a different view unilaterally ignoring the orders of the CO and rules on the subject. A detailed representation has been given to the CPMG on the above case and the officer has also represented individually. This CWC requests the CPMG TN Circle to intervene and issue necessary orders for the fixation of Pay and Pensionary benefits to Shri.M.Dharmaraj and Shri.P.Loganathan and render justice.

    c.    After the implementation of VII CPC, the Grade Pay of the IP,ASP and SPs in the Department of Posts have been up graded as 4600/-, 4800/- and 5400/- respectively. Accordingly, the Pay of the ASPs was fixed as 4800/- under level-8 of the Pay matrix as per VII CPC with effect from 1.1.2016 correctly. Shri.V.Gunaseelan, ASP,CCR and

    d.    Shri.A.Venkatesan, ASP,CCR were eligible for Financial Upgradation under MACP-3 after completion of 30 years of service as on 17.1.2016 and 28.2.2016 respectively. The Financial Up gradation of Pay of the above officers should have been fixed as 5400/- under Level-9 in the Pay matrix as per the orders of the Department and VII CPC. But, this has not been done and they were denied financial up gradation under MACP-III by Chennai City Region. In this connection, it is pointed out that an order issued by CPMG, Andhra circle for fixing financial up gradation under MACP-III for ASPs who have completed 30 years of service or 10 years of service in ASP cadre was handed over to CPMG Sir during the last 4 monthly meeting as a reference and it was assured that all future MACP-3 cases for ASPs will be fixed at Level-9 under Pay matrix.This CWC requests the CPMG TN Circle to consider the genuine demands of the above officers and issue orders for the correct fixation of Pay and allowances as admissible under VII CPC.

    e.    Similarly, individual representations have been given by many senior ASPs who have already completed 30 years of service and got financial up gradation under MACP-III  before the implementation of VII CPC and Grade Pay fixed as Rs.4800/- as applicable to PS Group –B officers in the Department. The CWC requests the CPMG TN Circle to consider the genuine demands of the above ASPs for fixation of Pay with Grade Pay as Rs.5400/- under Pay matrix Level-9 as per the Gazette notification in which the Grade pay of Rs.4800/- in respect of SPOs has been up graded as Rs.5400/- with effect from 1.1.2016.

      Babu G
      Circle Secretary


    All ASPs & IPs are requested to update Member Database in Right pane